As a result of last years highly successful control line (CL) flying display and discussions between Dunfermline Delivers and DMAC the “Hobbies and Recreation Exhibition” was revived as part of the Festival of Dunfermline 2015. This Exhibition was held annually for 21 years until 2001 and was probably the largest in Scotland attracting over 10,000 visitors. Club members were heavily involved in these exhibitions and associated flying displays.

This year a large static display was set up in the Glen Pavilion under the auspices of the Scottish Aeromodellers Association (SAA) with the full spectrum of model aircraft on view. DMAC members provided Free Flight, Control Line and Small field Radio Control models and were on hand to talk to interested members of the public.

Unfortunately on the Saturday the weather in the “Glen” was poor with strong winds and heavy rain in the morning. A brief period of calmer drier weather came through in the afternoon and a few flights were made.

Sunday by contrast was excellent and a full day of aerobatic and combat flying was completed. A steady flow of visitors enjoyed the antics of the combat fliers and marveled at the precision of the aerobatic flying.
Report and Photographs: David Hambley.