Category Archives: Anouncements

Notice of meetings

Our next club meeting is on Thursday the 24th of this month. Usual time (7.30pm) usual place (Royal British Legion. New Row. D'line.)  Main topic is to be (of course) the up coming Four Nations Cup.  Your input will be appreciated. The following meet will be on the 28th of April and is the last planned meet prior to the competition. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Notice of meeting

From our club secretary:-
The club is to hold it's first meeting of the year on Thursday the 28th of January at 7.30pm
It is to be at the usual venue of the Royal British Legion hall. New Row Dunfermline. Hope you can make it there.  Mike.

Notice of meeting

A club meeting is to be held on November 26th (Thursday) at the usual venue of the Royal British Legion. Usual time1900 for 1930  We hope to see you there.
This will be an opportunity to pay your (unchanged) annual subscription.

Notice of AGM

It's that time of the year again when we discuss club's activities past and future. Please attend our A.G.M. On THURSDAY (yes Thursday) the 29th of October at the usual venue of the Royal British Legion. New Row. D'line at 1930 hrs.

List members present.
Annual reports Chair/secretary/treasurer
Matters arising.

Would be members are welcome to attend and take the opportunity to meet and talk to us.