Category Archives: Anouncements

Come and Try

This Saturday (9th) the club is running a Control Line Aerobatic competition in Pitencrief Park (The Glen) as part of “Come and Try week”.

Our event will be on the South lawn with setting up starting at 9:00 with the tent arriving 10:00 and flying 11:00 to 16:00. The plan is to have a static display and RC simulator in the tent overlooking two circles on the South Lawn. Also commentary will be provided from the tent. One circle will be used for the Bob Hutton Trophy competition and the second for display flying and “Come and Try” by visitors. It is also hoped to have catapult/hand launch gliders down wind of the circles for “Come and Try”.

The forecast is sunny and dry until 13:00 then sunshine and showers thereafter. Wind will be Westish 11mph but experience over many years is that forecast speed tends to drop as time passes up to the event.
“Come and  Try”

Busy Weekend for DMAC members.

The Spring Bank Holiday was busy for club members with the Dunfermline Fresh Air Festival and the British Free Flight Championships running at the same time. A report on the fresh Air Festival can be read here. Great success was achieved at the Championships and a report will be posted soon.