The club will be staging a static display of Scale and Semi Scale WW2 models as part of Defend Fife weekend. We will have a marquee at the Scottish Vintage Bus Museum & The Lathalmond Railway Museum. KY12 0SJ.
Category Archives: Anouncements
Notice of meeting.
With the evenings drawing in the club will hold its first club meeting after the Summer on Wednesday 26th September 19:00 for 19:30.
Venue: Royal British Legion, 60 New Row, Dunfermline KY12 7EF (opposite Alhambra).
Visitors welcome.
Forthcoming Events updated.
The forthcoming events page has been updated to cover to the end of the outdoor competition season. The next event is Sunday 5th August, details here.
Success at British Free Flight National championships
Jim Arnott’s report can be read here.
Control Line Flying in Strathclyde Park.
Motherwell and District Model Aircraft Club (MADMAC!) invite you to their Fun Fly In tomorrow, Saturday 9th June. Members from DMAC will be attending for the Free Soup, (Stovies?) and drinks. They may perhaps do a bit of flying as well and the Craic is guaranteed to be awesome.
The forecast is HOT (19C) with a light wind 3-5mph . Very strong sunshine up to 14:00 and again after 18:00, bring and apply your sun block.
Flying will take place at the North End of Strathclyde Park (ML1 3ED) accessible from the A725 (Bellshill Bypass)
Success at the British Free Flight National Championships
DMAC members Jim Arnott and David Hambley have just returned from competing in the British Free Flight National Championships. This three day event took place at RAF Barkston Heath over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Jim secured 2nd place in the Mini Vintage Rubber powered event and David 1st place in the Classic Glider event.
A full report will be posted in due course.
New Photographs
A new set of photographs has been added to the “A day at the Inverkeithing site” gallery.
Forthcoming Events.
With better weather now in prospect the outdoor flying season is begining to build up. The club calendar has been updated to reflect this, click here to view.
Forthcoming Events.
The events calendar has been updated.
Dunfermline and West Fife Sports Council Award.
Club member Jim Arnott presented with CENTENARY MASTERS AWARD. Read it here.