Category Archives: Anouncements

Forthcoming Events

21st February: Balbedie Club Bring and Buy. Millbridge Halls, Kinross. 13:00 for sellers (£5) 14:00 for buyers/browsers (£3).

6th March: DMAC Club meeting. British Legion, 19:00 for 19:30.

20th March: Dumbarton Club auction. Dumbarton football stadium. Registration for auction from 17:30. Start 20:00 prompt.

10th May: Balbedie Club Scale event.

6th June: DMAC Fresh Air Festival. Control Line and static display. Public Park (Queen Margaret Drive), Dunfermline.

14th June: Balbedie Club midsummer event.

21st June: DMAC static display. Bus Museum, Lathalmond.

19th July:
Balbedie War Birds event.

22-23 August:
Loch Leven Splash in.

5-6 September:
DMAC Sport for All display. Pitencrief park (The Glen) Dunfemline.

19th September: Balbedie Fun Fly.

Date TBA: SAA Static Display, Glenrothes Kingdom Centre.

Notice of Meeting

There will be a general meeting of the club at the Royal British Legion, (60 New Row, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7EF) on Friday 23rd January 19:00 for 19:30.

The main agenda items will be an update on and preparation for the club displays at “The Fresh Air Festival” and “Sport for All” later this year.

Fault on the Galleries

A fault has developed on all three Galleries after an update to the software. If a slideshow is started the images display in reverse order and do not increment singly resulting in images being missed out.

A service request has been put in to the software house so hopefully the problem will be fixed soon. A Danish company has reported similar problems with their website.

Members Forum now implemented

The members private forum has now been implemented. Access is achieved via the Login button to the left of this page.

User names and pass words are being sent to all members with e mail addresses registered with the club secretary. If you are a member but your e mail address is not registered please use “Contact”  above and apply for a user name and password.