This annual control line (CL) aerobatic competition was held at the Inverkeithing flying site on 27 October 2015. A dry and sunny day was on offer but there was a stiff breeze and considerable turbulence to tax the competitors whilst performing the F2B schedule. Seven competitors entered and a draw taken for flying order then Iain Ward performed a shake down flight before the contest got underway and battle commenced.
The regular flyers smoothly performed the schedule of manouvers in turn under the critical eyes of judges Bill Greive and Mike Rouse. As expected the turbulence did upset the flight pattern of the models and this was reflected in the scores, it was however the same for everyone so no advantage was gained by anyone.
The draw had favoured David Hambley flying late in the first round of his first CL aerobatic competition. It was also a first in so far as he was flying his PT19 converted to Electric power thus becoming the first CL flyer in Scotland to use an Electric model in a competition. He already had the acolade for the first Electric powered Free Flight competition flights in Scotland. This first flight was very much a journey into the unknown as no one knew how an Electric model would handle the turbulence. Also David has only recently started flying CL and so did not know the full schedule, Eddie Burr stepped in and lay on the grass in the centre of the circle and talked David through the manouvers. The take off went quite well and the three laps of level flight were performed. Much to everyone’s surprise the PT19 powered its way through the turbulence with ease. Various manouvers were performed some of which were sufficiently recognisable for the judges to award a few points! The final flight of the first round was taken by Willie Wallace, unfortunately the engine cut at the reverse wing over and so no further points could be awarded.
The second round was started by which time the wind had eased slightly. This round followed the same flight order as the first and the results were much the same as the first with Willie again having an aborted flight due to the engine cutting. Lunch was taken during which David recharged one of his two batteries ready for the next round.
When flying resumed the order was reversed. Willie decided not to fly the final round due the engine problems he was having. David was therefore due to fly first but also decided to pass as his battery had not fully charged, in retrospect that was an erroneous decision as there was sufficient charge for the final flight. The remaining competitors took their final flights without incident and the results collated by contest director Peter Miller.
Last Years winner Ian Galt again topped the scores with the next four competitors separated by small margins. Unfortunately Bob Hutton’s widow Mary was unable to attend and present the trophy this year due to poor health. We are pleased to report that she is now fully recovered and looks forward to the 2016 event.
Numbers were down on previous years due to a clash with an event at Barton near Manchester however the CL grape vine has been rattling with news that a mystery flyer in the West has been practicing the F2B schedule with a view to entering in 2016.
The final placings were as follows:-
Ian Galt (Dunfermline)
Iain Ward (Dunfermline)
Peter Miller (Motherwell)
Eddie Burr (Ayr)
Jimmy Pinkerton (Motherwell)
David Hambley (Dunfermline)
Willie Wallace (Motherwell)