The report on last Saturday’s “Come and Try” event in Pitencrief Park can be read here.
If any parents have photos of their children flying and would like to have them published on this web site send them to <>.
Thanks to the THIRTY 30 boys and girls, who came and tried Model Flying. All Sizes and Ages, running after Chuckies, and being dizzy after Control Line. All, flyers, helpers, children and parents, went home smiling. There may be some young aeromodellers now asking Mum, Dad or Miss???
On the 9th of September, we returned to fly in Pitencrief Park (the “Glen”) Dunfermline. The intention was to run our F2b “Bob Hutton” competition, a “Sport Fly In” and “Come and Try.” Would they come?
Good weather beckoned and we set up early on the South Lawn as Fitness Runners circulated. A Come and Try Orienteering circuit was also being laid out nearby. Flying-wise, a large area for two circles was staked, roped out and a windward semicircle mowed for the F2b.
Iain readies his Nobler for flight.
The static display shelter was erected by the SCOUTS and flyers and their families began to arrive. Planes were assembled, readied or placed for display, the Radio Control Simulator was fired up. Engines were started and a warm up flight of F2b commenced.
The first of the Come and Triers, were soon catapult glider flying. Lots of laughter and chasing as it flew several times before escaping to hide in some trees. Oh well that is free flight for you!
The Come/Try model with a Double Control Handle was readied for its first customer. Away! A good flight and landing, the first smiler. So it continued in groups of three to six throughout the day. Thanks to David Hambley for “Instructing” and MANY thanks to Eddy Burr and Willy Wallace for handling the Engine Starting and Launching all day.
Come/Try Model: A profile Phantom, No wheels, PAW 1.5, on 40Ft. lines, Y shaped double handle
The sun was out and the seats that overlook the Lawn were filling up. What did they see? Spitfires, Martin Bakers, a Twin Tiger engined Combat model and the aerobatic F2b models. The F2bers were suffering from very turbulent air caused by the numerous trees within the park so the competition was abandoned and demo flights only were flown.
A combat bout attracts a lot of smiles.
However the Combat men were up and entertaining as usual. So all were treated to excellent Aerobatics, Sport and Combat Bouts.
Eddys Bi Slob floats around before its demise due to turbulence.
The sun won through and around 16:00 we started to wind down. BUT not the Come/Triers or the people at the Display and Simulator tent. (Thanks Michael H). Lots of SMILES.
Thanks:- The town of Dunfermline, Fife Council and the Carnegie Trust for the use of the Glen.
West Fife Sports Council and Dunfermline Delivers for web publicity.
Cairney Hill SCOUTS.
Andrew Thompson Ltd for Slide Show screen.
The Dunfermline Club Helpers.
The Public who watched and THE CHILDREN who made us smile.
This Saturday (9th) the club is running a Control Line Aerobatic competition in Pitencrief Park (The Glen) as part of “Come and Try week”.
Our event will be on the South lawn with setting up starting at 9:00 with the tent arriving 10:00 and flying 11:00 to 16:00. The plan is to have a static display and RC simulator in the tent overlooking two circles on the South Lawn. Also commentary will be provided from the tent. One circle will be used for the Bob Hutton Trophy competition and the second for display flying and “Come and Try” by visitors. It is also hoped to have catapult/hand launch gliders down wind of the circles for “Come and Try”.
The forecast is sunny and dry until 13:00 then sunshine and showers thereafter. Wind will be Westish 11mph but experience over many years is that forecast speed tends to drop as time passes up to the event.
“Come and Try”
Somehow the Free Flight Competition this Sunday (27th) was missed off our Forthcoming Events listing. The list has now been updated and other events added.
The next club meeting will be held on Wednesday August 30th at the Royal British Legion, 60 New Row, Dunfermline KY12 7EF. 19:00 for 19:30. Visitors welcome.