All posts by winco

Bob Hutton Trophy

This annual event was held at Inverkeithing on Sunday the 12th of October in memory of our long time club member and was to be the eighth time competed for, (Bob died ten years ago).

Early morning heavy mist burnt off to leave ideal flying conditions and so following “warm up” flights the competition began at 11:30. Six entrants fought for the trophy this year and the “order of play” was:- Jimmy Pinkerton followed by Peter Millar, Iain Ward, Eddie Burr, Ian Galt, Willy Wallace for each of the three rounds.
Only two minor mechanical faults occurred during the whole competition and no models were damaged. The usual rapid banter prevailed throughout the competition (as one would expect).

Bobs Widow Mary kindly presented the memorial shield to the winner Ian Galt. The final scores were:- Ian Galt 2161, Iain Ward 2037, Eddie Burr 2023, Jimmy Pinkerton 1990, Peter Millar 1985, Willy Wallace 1597.

Report Mike Rouse, Photos Pete Brown.

Bob Hutton Memorial Trophy announced

The Bob Hutton Memorial Trophy for Control Line Aerobatic Models at the Inverkeithing field, date to be decided.

This is a handicap event so dig out those dusty old CL stunters and have a go, I am assured by a certain Bill Grieve (the judge) that rookies like the webmaster will have a several hundred point advantage over Iain Ward!

Free Flight specialists Jim Arnott and David Hambley are going to be waggling the handle so come along and enjoy the fun.

“Sport for All” in Pittencrief Park

We ran an aeromodelling event on behalf of the SAA as part of the Dunfermline Sport for All week. With special permission from the Fife Council we were able to put on control line flying and a static display on the “South Lawn” of Pittencrief Park. We welcomed flyers and exhibitors from other Scottish clubs.

The day started clear, sunny with a heavy dew underfoot. The Crossford Scouts arrived and in short order had two marquise up and ready for use. The SAA had intended to have a Radio Control simulator running for the public to have a go. Unfortunately the light levels in both marquise were too high to view the screens so the idea was dropped. The static display featuring a wide range of Radio, Control Line and Free Flight models from several clubs was set up in the larger marquee.

In the meantime the Control Line circle was measured out and roped off and soon Iain Ward was airborne for a shake down flight. Aerobatic displays interspersed with Classic Combat bouts then continued throughout the day.

A steady flow of visitors came including members from Fife Council, Dunfermline Sport for All and a group of visitors from Germany. All who came were delighted with what we had achieved and hoped that this could become an annual event. The club members who were there were disappointed with the numbers of the public who apparently had attended. However our Park contact was delighted with the day and estimated the 200 to 300 folk had been “through the door”. The SAA were also delighted and a report will be published in Air Time in due course. Photographs giving a flavour of the event can be seen in the Sport for All 2014 gallery.

Thanks must be given to Fife Council, Dunfermline Sport for All, Crossford Scouts, Scottish Aero Modellers Association, members from other clubs and most of all to Bill Grieve who did the lions share of organising the event.

Report and Photos: David Hambley.

Name Correction

As a result of research into the history of the club your webmaster has realised that the club name has always been Dunfermline Model Aero Club and not Model Aircraft Club. I have corrected the error on this website and apologises for the mistake.

Club Listing

The URL of this site now appears against our entry in the SAA club list. We have also been registered with the BMFA and will appear in their club finder.

A New Hope

The last meeting of DMAC occurred on the 30th of July 2014 at our usual meeting venue, the Royal British Legion in Dunfermline.

A number of items were discussed including the re-establishment of this website. This site is under development so please bear with us as we try things out and get everything sorted.

We plan to have a members forum into which you can log in but have not yet worked out the best way of doing this.

We would welcome submissions of content, both text and photos. If you have something please use the contact page until the forum is up and running.