All posts by winco

Fault on the Galleries

A fault has developed on all three Galleries after an update to the software. If a slideshow is started the images display in reverse order and do not increment singly resulting in images being missed out.

A service request has been put in to the software house so hopefully the problem will be fixed soon. A Danish company has reported similar problems with their website.

Members Forum now implemented

The members private forum has now been implemented. Access is achieved via the Login button to the left of this page.

User names and pass words are being sent to all members with e mail addresses registered with the club secretary. If you are a member but your e mail address is not registered please use “Contact”  above and apply for a user name and password.

SAA AGM Report

The SAA AGM was held on Sunday 7th December. Bill Greive and Mike Rouse attended and reported a short and entertaining meeting.John Robertson trophy web 2

The club was mentioned on no less than five times during the course of the meeting for its active participation in SAA events. A slide presentation of the Glen Display and Bob Hutton Memorial Trophy events ran in the background throughout the meeting.

John Robertson trophy web 1Finally Bill and Mike were honoured with the presentation of the John Robertson Memorial Trophy for their work in promoting Aeromodelling and the SAA within Scotland.

In accepting the trophy Bill stressed the support of the club that had enabled them to achieve so much.

AGM Report

The AGM was held and the following officers elected.
Chairman: Iain Ward. Secretary/Treasurer: Mike Rouse.
Club fees were held at £25 for a full senior member.

Competition reports were given by Bill Greive (CL) and Jim Arnott (FF). The CL season had been successful with particular note being made of the Bob Hutton memorial trophy held at the Inverkeithing site. The FF season had been severely effected by the weather with members being unable to compete until the British Nationals in May. Jim Arnott, David Hambley and George Blair had successes with Jim wining the overall championship (yet again). The club retained the Caledonia Shield, this being the 14th time since its institution in 1951.

The webmaster gave a short report in which it was noted that our entry into Fife Direct had not yet appeared. Since then we have been notified it is now live. The webmaster has expanded it and it may be viewed on

New member Alan Morris was welcomed into the club. He is now busy learning to fly Heli at the Inverkeithing site under the watchful eye of Cas.

AGM Coming

Our AGM is to be held at the usual venue of the Royal British Legion, New Row, Dunfermline on the 21st November (Friday) at 19:00 for 19:30. It is hoped you will be there.