21st February: Balbedie Club Bring and Buy. Millbridge Halls, Kinross. 13:00 for sellers (£5) 14:00 for buyers/browsers (£3).
6th March: DMAC Club meeting. British Legion, 19:00 for 19:30.
20th March: Dumbarton Club auction. Dumbarton football stadium. Registration for auction from 17:30. Start 20:00 prompt.
10th May: Balbedie Club Scale event.
6th June: DMAC Fresh Air Festival. Control Line and static display. Public Park (Queen Margaret Drive), Dunfermline.
14th June: Balbedie Club midsummer event.
21st June: DMAC static display. Bus Museum, Lathalmond.
19th July: Balbedie War Birds event.
22-23 August: Loch Leven Splash in.
5-6 September: DMAC Sport for All display. Pitencrief park (The Glen) Dunfemline.
19th September: Balbedie Fun Fly.
Date TBA: SAA Static Display, Glenrothes Kingdom Centre.