All posts by winco

Report on 6th March club meeting

A good turnout of members assembled at the Royal British Legion to discuss the major topic on the agenda.

This was whether the club should invest in the refurbishment of the existing and purchase of a new banner. The proposal was that the existing banner be refurbished with the addition of the web address and QR code. Also correction of the club name from Dunfermline Model Aeroplane Club to Model Aero Club. The new banner would be identical. A unanimous decision was made in favour of the proposal and Bill Greive offered to investigate whether funding would be available from the Carnegie Trust. After the formal business members continued with much aeromodelling craic.

Funding has been successfully obtained, the banners are made and one will be on display at the Kingdom Centre Glenrothes on Saturday 28 March.

Banner artwork web

Scottish Aeromodellers Association: Static Display

Kingdom Centre Glenrothes on Saturday March 28th  from 9am.

The SAA have organised a second static display after the huge success of last years event  when four local clubs displayed a wide range of model types. This year DMAC will be showing off its new club banners, many new models and numerous members eager to talk about their latest creations.

Forthcoming Events

21st February: Balbedie Club Bring and Buy. Millbridge Halls, Kinross. 13:00 for sellers (£5) 14:00 for buyers/browsers (£3).

6th March: DMAC Club meeting. British Legion, 19:00 for 19:30.

20th March: Dumbarton Club auction. Dumbarton football stadium. Registration for auction from 17:30. Start 20:00 prompt.

10th May: Balbedie Club Scale event.

6th June: DMAC Fresh Air Festival. Control Line and static display. Public Park (Queen Margaret Drive), Dunfermline.

14th June: Balbedie Club midsummer event.

21st June: DMAC static display. Bus Museum, Lathalmond.

19th July:
Balbedie War Birds event.

22-23 August:
Loch Leven Splash in.

5-6 September:
DMAC Sport for All display. Pitencrief park (The Glen) Dunfemline.

19th September: Balbedie Fun Fly.

Date TBA: SAA Static Display, Glenrothes Kingdom Centre.

Marchetti Shield Presented

At the beginning of the recent club meeting chairman Iain Ward announced that the Marchetti Shield for the clubman of the year was to be awarded that evening. This trophy is awarded to the member who has made a notable non competition contribution to club life. It had been decided that the work on resurrecting the web site was just such a contribution and so the shield was to be awarded to a very surprised webmaster (David Hambley).

In accepting the shield David thanked the club and acknowledged the great help provided by his son Michael throughout this flight of discovery. Pictured below is David with Michael who won the shield as a junior in 1994

Marchetti trophy web

Notice of Meeting

There will be a general meeting of the club at the Royal British Legion, (60 New Row, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7EF) on Friday 23rd January 19:00 for 19:30.

The main agenda items will be an update on and preparation for the club displays at “The Fresh Air Festival” and “Sport for All” later this year.